Thursday, September 23, 2010

Welcome to our new blog!

We have started a new blog. We hope it will be a useful tool to keep up to date and provide a little window into what we do at school.
Feel free to check previous years by clicking on "view my complete profile" by the picture of Mrs. Macey.

Please take a minute to answer our first poll! Thank-you!

1 comment:

  1. Just thought id say that wed probably check the blog 2 to 4 times a week on a regular basis. Thanks, Trev.


Team Work

Team Work
On the last day of school we worked on various activities in our teams. In our classroom, we made cards with Karly (the cricket machine).

Polar Express Day!

Polar Express Day!
There were bells under our seats!

We had hot chocolate, cookies, and candy canes on the train.

We watched the movie at the end of the day. Mrs. Macey made her world-famous popcorn! Yum!

Christmas Fun!

Christmas Fun!
We were busy constructing gingerbread houses. There was a lot of licking going on!

RCMP Heritage Centre