Friday, October 29, 2010

Painting Fun

We are studying the artwork of Eric Carle. We have created large colored papers to use in our art pieces. We had a lot of fun!

Friday, October 15, 2010

More pictures......

We had a wonderful time at the R.C.M.P. Heritage Centre. We were invited by Mr. Shank to present lions to D.A.R.E.(Drug awareness trainees) at their graduation ceremony. It was a surprise to them, and they loved receiving the lions from us. They will use the lions when they go into schools to do presentations about saying "no" to drugs.

We toured the Heritage Centre in the morning, then ate lunch and walked over to where the graduation ceremony was taking place. We tip-toed past a parade and waited quietly for our time to enter into the ceremony.
Thank-you to Mr. Shank for the t-shirts and goodies he delivered!


Because Halloween is on a Sunday this year, and because we are going on another field trip, we will not be dressing up in our costumes for school this year. We will be going to the Conexus Arts Centre for the matinee performance of Alice in Wonderland. This is a production of "Do It With Class". A permission note will come home soon with more details.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Friday, October 1, 2010

Field Trip Friday, October 8

Our class will be traveling to the RCMP Heritage Centre on Friday, October 8. We have been chosen to present "Dare Bears" to a group of DARE  graduates. We will tour the Heritage Contre for about an hour, eat a bag lunch, and then participate in the grad program.

Team Work

Team Work
On the last day of school we worked on various activities in our teams. In our classroom, we made cards with Karly (the cricket machine).

Polar Express Day!

Polar Express Day!
There were bells under our seats!

We had hot chocolate, cookies, and candy canes on the train.

We watched the movie at the end of the day. Mrs. Macey made her world-famous popcorn! Yum!

Christmas Fun!

Christmas Fun!
We were busy constructing gingerbread houses. There was a lot of licking going on!

RCMP Heritage Centre